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  • Tags: Avant-garde Jazz

The Boys Driest grew up with wind instruments. Their trio is a mini-fanfare. Rooted in the fanfare tradition, drawing on wind music from all over the world. The three musicians, Janfie van Strien (1969) - soprano sax, Arno Bakker (1968) - sousaphone…

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"You have to stretch your vocabulary to parse All Ya Needs That Negrocity, the pointedly titled 12th album from Burnt Sugar the Arkestra Chamber. Burnt Sugar is the sprawling, tribal band Village Voice writer Greg Tate (on guitar, lyrics and laptop)…

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Monastery: a peaceful retreat where these two people indeed work like monks and every now and then launch the fruits of their efforts into the wild world. It may be literature, music, drawings, but essentially it’s always about freedom. This album…
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