Fifteen artists currently working in the Netherlands were invited to take part in the first-ever museum exhibition on this subject to be held in the country.
Founder and theorist of the Situationist International, and author of the massively influential book The Society of the Spectacle, Guy Debord (1931–1994) was also a connoisseur of military strategy. In his first volume of autobiography, Panegyric,…
Photographer Rodchenko was instrumental in reshaping the entire aesthetics of the young Soviet Union. As one of these early “production artists”, he worked in all areas of art and art education after 1917. He was an enthusiastic propagandist of the…
This volume has a keen focus on process. It steps out into city spaces and discovers how we may foster a profound connection with nature in unlikely urban places through rooftop beekeeping and urban foraging. It features one man’s epic…
Apocalypse How is the humorous how-to guide to living your best life possible (after the Apocalypse renders your current quality of life null and void.) Organized like a travel or lifestyle guide, the book tells you all you need to know in order to…
Art has its own power in the world and is as much a force in the power play of global politics today as it once was in the arena of cold war politics. Art, argues the distinguished theoretician Boris Groys, is hardly a powerless commodity subject to…
When Joep van Lieshout founded the art and architecture studio that bears his name, he set in motion what has been described as "a new Dutch architectural style… dirty, delicious and direct." The idea of art that can be used for a self-sufficient and…
The New Music Festival ATM, which stands for 'audio-trading-manual', is Arts Incubator's biggest annual event. It is a platform that presents new music with various programs including performances, exhibitions, seminars, and workshops. The first…