De Toekomst Hervonden
De Toekomst Hervonden
Essays over de vastgelopen vooruitgang.
Essays about the jammed progress
Once upon a time man had dreams for a better world, a better existence. What has become of these projections ? Has the 21st century delivered all we wished for ? De Toekomst Hervonden is a collection of personal reflections by the sociologist Omar Munoz Cremers, on rediscovering the future – by looking back to the last century when future dreams were prominently bright and a general sense of possible utopia lingered. This thought-provoking analysis of the complexities of modern life appears by courtesy of WORM Parallel University Press.
Waar is het verlangen naar de toekomst gebleven? De 21st eeuw voldoet tot nu toe niet aan de verwachtingen die men er ooit op projecteerde. Cultuur lijkt te stagneren in een permanente staat van terugkijken. Revival volgt revival in steeds kortere cycli. De Toekomst Hervonden analyseert de blokkades die vooruitgang op verschillende terreinen tegenhouden. Is stilstand daadwerkelijk de logische conclusie van een hoogtech-nologische samenleving?
Where has the desire for the future stayed? So far, the 21st century does not meet the expectations that were ever projected. Culture seems to stagnate in a permanent state of looking back. Revival follows revival in ever shorter cycles. The future reinvented the blockades that prevent progress in different areas. Is stoppage actually the logical conclusion of a hitech-technological society?
Essays about the jammed progress
Once upon a time man had dreams for a better world, a better existence. What has become of these projections ? Has the 21st century delivered all we wished for ? De Toekomst Hervonden is a collection of personal reflections by the sociologist Omar Munoz Cremers, on rediscovering the future – by looking back to the last century when future dreams were prominently bright and a general sense of possible utopia lingered. This thought-provoking analysis of the complexities of modern life appears by courtesy of WORM Parallel University Press.
Waar is het verlangen naar de toekomst gebleven? De 21st eeuw voldoet tot nu toe niet aan de verwachtingen die men er ooit op projecteerde. Cultuur lijkt te stagneren in een permanente staat van terugkijken. Revival volgt revival in steeds kortere cycli. De Toekomst Hervonden analyseert de blokkades die vooruitgang op verschillende terreinen tegenhouden. Is stilstand daadwerkelijk de logische conclusie van een hoogtech-nologische samenleving?
Where has the desire for the future stayed? So far, the 21st century does not meet the expectations that were ever projected. Culture seems to stagnate in a permanent state of looking back. Revival follows revival in ever shorter cycles. The future reinvented the blockades that prevent progress in different areas. Is stoppage actually the logical conclusion of a hitech-technological society?
23 available
Omar Munoz Cremers
WORM Parallel University
Omar Munoz Cremers, “De Toekomst Hervonden,” WPB, accessed March 12, 2025,