Browse Items (7325 total)

a handmade zine, stitched together, looking at the story of Moses & the Jews leaving Egypt.

A zine made during the April 2017 Worm's Pirate Bay Zine Club!

an experiemental zine made with bleach

A zine made during the 22nd of June Worm PIrate Bay Zine Club!

A lovely A3 zine about Hull & Rotterdam and trying to have a nice day

this is a big ol' A3 zine made during pirate bay's workshops at Humber Street Gallery.

a zine made by 2 london performance artists who were in hull to perform with performance bar, as part of worm's rescidency at Hull City of Culture 2017

A collection from worm's pirate bay workshop at Hull City of Culture

A collage zine made from artwork from the worm pirate bay workshop at Worm's residency at humber Street Gallery as part of Hull city of Culture 2017
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