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  • Collection: WORM COLLECTION

the Netherlands


Tony Conrad has significantly impacted cultural developments from minimalism to underground film & conceptual art in the US. Joseph focuses on Tony Conrad's seminal role as artist and theorist in early 1960s New York from a different perspective than…

Because filming has long been restricted in Nigeria, few images of Lagos Exist. Based on research by the Harvard Project on the City under the direction of Rem Koolhaas, this DVD represents a unique engagement with a hardly documented city capturing…

Partner-in-crime of William Burroughs, reciting texts accompanied by members of Slits, Rip, Rig and Panic, Gile, Penguin Café Orchestra, a.o.

German-language edition. In the spring of 1921 pamphlets were distributed announcing the trial against the author Maurice Barrès, a proponent of ethnic nationalism, charged of "attempt against the surety of the spirit" ("attentat à la sûreté de…
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